

1.1. Web-site http://cla-english.com (from now on – Site) is owned by Khudyk Nazariy Mykhailovych, the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations code Ukraine3020511010 (from now on – the Company).  All objects of intellectual property rights located on the website, except where expressly noted, are the property of the Company.
1.2. This Policy of Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection (from now on – Privacy Policy) is valid only within the Site’s Terms of Use framework. It does not apply to third parties websites.
1.3. This Privacy Policy is a set of legal, administrative, organizational, technical, and other measures implemented by the Company to ensure confidentiality and protection of personal data of individuals – customers,  who are users of the Site, except for instances when such information is disclosed privately by a user of the Site.
1.4. The purpose of implementing the Privacy Policy is to prevent public access to such information, the owner of which is a customer.
1.5. The company takes all possible steps to ensure the implementation of the measures required by this section of the Privacy Policy.

2.1. For the purpose of implementing the functions and objectives of the Site as well as other purposes related to civil-law relations between the Company and the Consumer, the Consumer, using this Site and services for which the Site is created, gives the Company permission to collect, store, process, store and use (including using automated means) personal data of which he/she is the owner.
2.1.1. For the purpose of implementing the functions and objectives of the Site as well as other purposes related to legal relations between the Company and the customer, the customer, using this Site and services for which the Site was created, gives the Company permission to transfer his/her data to third parties.
2.2. The consent of the customer, which is given to the Company for the collection, processing, storage, and use (including the use of automated means) of personal data and their transfer to third parties, is formalized by the customer’s marking of the authorization for the collection, collection, processing, storage and use of their data.
2.3. Personal data, for collection, storage, processing, storage, and use of which (including the use of automated devices) the customer grants the Company’s permission includes:
1. name, surname, patronymic name;
2. place of registration;
3. position;
4. place of residence;
5. information on the family status;
6. date and place of birth of the customer;
7. Contact numbers (telephone, e-mail, etc.);
8. information about geographic location;
9. information about the bank and other financial transactions;
…. additional information independently entered by the customer.

3.1. Personal data collected, saved, processed, stored, and used by the Customer gives the Company access shall be held without a time limit unless otherwise provided for by the legislation of Ukraine or by the Customer’s will.
3.2. The place of storage of the customer’s data is the Company’s CRM system.
3.3. The Company’s location is in Chernivtsi, Golovna Street, 101.

4.1 The Consumer, concerning his/her data provided for collection, storage, processing, storage, and use by the Company, has the right to:
1. be aware of the sources of collection, location of their data, the place of their processing, location of the Company;
2. receive information about the conditions of access to personal data;
3. to have access to their data;
4. to receive information as to whether their data is being processed;
5. to submit a motivated request to the Company with a warning against the processing of his/her data;
6. to submit a motivated request to change or cancel their personal data, if this data is processed illegally or is unreliable;
7. to protect their data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to legitimate use, Not giving or not giving them at the right time, as well as to protect the provision of information that is untrustworthy or damaging to the honor, integrity and business reputation of the individual;
8. to apply to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or the court with the request to have their data processed;
9. to use legal protection devices in case of violation of personal data protection legislation;
10. to make a warning about the limitation of the right to process their personal data during the provision of the agreement;
11. to withdraw the agreement for the processing of personal data;
12. know the mechanics of automatic personal data processing;
13. to be protected from the automated decision, which has legal consequences for him/her.

5.1 The Company shall be released from its obligation to follow the Privacy Policy concerning the Customer’s Personal Data if the customer discloses the personal data on his/her own publicly.
5.2 The company has the right to disclose the customer’s data if the information obtained from the personal data is publicly necessary. That is, it is the subject of public interest, and the public’s right to know such information outweighs the potential benefits of its dissemination.
5.3 The company has the right to disclose the customer’s data with the appropriate written permission of the customer.

6.1 Personal data, for the collection, storage, processing, storage, and use of which the Customer grants the Company access, shall be subject to deletion or destruction in case of
– termination of the legal relationship between the customer and the Company;
– Issuance of a corresponding order of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for Human Rights or its designated officers to the secretariat of the Chairman of the Supervisory of the Verkhovna Rada for Human Rights;
– The court’s decision to remove or destroy personal data acquires legal force.

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